Monday, November 21, 2022

“Indeed, Every Billionaire Is A Policy Failure…”

So... Musk is recapitulating Trump. Space X and Tesla make a product that people buy. Twitter is the product, but Musk is supposed to sell it to advertisers. Trump tried to treat politics like business. Musk is treating Twitter like it makes widgets.

Reports are he’s laid off 4800 employees, and now wants to fill some of those positions. But will he find people who will be loyal to him (i.e., “hardcore”)? And can he do it before Twitter loses more product (eyeballs he can sell to advertisers), and becomes more toxic to advertisers? Or if Twitter breaks, costing more eyeballs, how will Elmo’s MO fix the problems he’s created then?
That seems to be a very concrete example that the answer is: “No.” And maybe Tesla was overvalued. But as an individual investor, I’m glad I don’t own any Tesla stock. But that’s why I wouldn’t own stock in a company owned by such a flamboyant goof. It would make as much sense to invest in cryptocurrency.

Especially when that goof is tanking one stock in order to smash another company he bought with that stock:
Not exactly designed to bring advertisers back. Nor is that, though I think that’s very much a lesser concern. Not exactly the same thing as “move fast and break things” or “threaten bankruptcy and demand hardcore work hours.” But a very accurate description of Twitter now.

As this is a good description of Elmo:

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