Sunday, April 30, 2023

Let’s Connect The Dots

Amid the flood of cookie-cutter MAGA bills that Sanders has shepherded through her statehouse, the ones with the greatest potential for long term damage aren't the high-profile, hot-button bills. Rather, Sanders' keenest stabs into Arkansas' future came with her attacks on public school funding and criminal justice reforms.," Hodge wrote, "The LEARNS Act boosted starting teacher pay from $36,000 to $50,000, but that bump came at a steep price decried by many Arkansas' teachers. The law created publicly funded vouchers — worth 90% of the per pupil funding a school receives from the state — that can be used to pay for private or parochial schools, or even home school. They're called Education Freedom Accounts."
That’s precious little different from what the GOP Lege in Texas is determined to do. That it’s an attack on public schools that began in the latter half of 1954 is pretty damned obvious. And if it isn’t, ask Queen MAGA herself:
But we also need to remember, where we are the Americans, and we should have a lot of pride in our home and our country," she opined. "And that's why we have to recognize the battle that the radical left has brought to our front door because we need to clean up our house." 
"We need to fight for it," she continued. We need to shut our doors. We need to shut our windows. We need to throw out the trash, and we need to clean it up." 
Greene also said she was "solidly supporting Donald J. Trump for president" in 2024.

The fish always rots from the head. And old times there are not forgotten. 

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