Sunday, August 20, 2023

He Blinded Me With Science!

The first thing is, I don't think I'm giving anything away, at least that's how you my strategy," Giuliani told the caller. "I'm going to follow Mark Meadows and file as soon as I do the arraignment, I'm going to file a motion for removal to federal court, which I would say almost virtually will be granted." 
The former New York mayor also insisted he was not guilty because he truly believed widespread election fraud could have overturned the election. 
And he vowed to present that evidence to prove his innocence. 
"Yes, there are things we didn't present then [in 2020] because over the next couple of years, a lot of people did a lot of work and have been able to produce more witnesses and what I would call scientific evidence that is very persuasive," he said.

First, I’m curious what grounds Rudy has to seek the jurisdiction of federal court. What, because Trump employed him but never paid him?

And “scientific evidence”? Is everybody associated with Trump terminally stupid? In the same way? “More evidence”? Like the evidence he used to slander Ruby Freeman and her daughter?

Rudy understands he’s used up his “benefit of the doubt,” doesn’t he?

I've got a huge feeling that he was always this big an idiot and that it was the lawyers at the federal prosecutor's office who carried the water for him all the way. No one gets to be that stupid after being as smart as he was reputed to be by the NYC media.
It’s the only explanation that fits the facts. Prosecutors have a lot going for them, including picking cases they know they will win, and never bringing up those they might lose. Easy to create a “winner” image out of that. I also suspect Rudy had a good team doing the work he took credit for.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a huge feeling that he was always this big an idiot and that it was the lawyers at the federal prosecutor's office who carried the water for him all the way. No one gets to be that stupid after being as smart as he was reputed to be by the NYC media.
