Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fix The Real Problem

Well, he and MAGA. But he shot his wad when he was POTUS and could get access to the Capitol Mall (he can't as private citizen Trump. Not automatically.)  He bitched and moaned and incited a riot in the Capitol building, and he's still not POTUS anymore.

And won't be again, short of actually winning the election.  Anything less than that, he's just private citizen Trump facing two federal criminal cases, a state case in Georgia, appeal of a criminal conviction and a civil judgment in New York state, and two federal (IIRC, they were in federal court) appeals from civil judgments for E. Jean Carroll, out of New York.

He can, once again, reject the election results all he wants.  But if his strongest evidence is AI took over everybody's camera and brain, then....good luck to him.
Frankly, I'm a little more activated by this: (Yes, that is the official Trump campaign account.)

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