Wednesday, August 14, 2024

More Trump Craziness For The Press To Assiduously Ignore

 Aside from Donald Trump, who gives a shit about the cover of TIME Magazine?  Does anybody even look at it in the digital format?

You've had your 15 minutes, dude. Sure, Grandpa. Drink your cocoa, it's time for your nap. Well, he does live in Florida. Policy, not personalities! This is right up there with "Drill, baby, Drill!" The U.S. is energy independent and is currently setting the world market price for oil. Unemployment is at 4.3%. What the actual fuck is this demented fool talking about? He imagines he's still a TeeVee character. Norma Desmond was supposed to be a fictional version of what audiences for Hollywood movies thought Hollywood actors were: people who believed the fantasy. A ludicrous idea only a movie audience (never anyone who worked on a movie) could accept as even a possibility. Donald Trump is Norma Desmond stepped off the screen into reality. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Nobody saw you, you idiot. It was audio only, and most people couldn't log into that. The sound quality was atrocious and many said you sounded like Sylvester the cat. You also babbled like an old man mumbling in his porridge before having his chin wiped and being walked off to bed before sundown. Everyone agrees Vance sucks. Maybe that's why he can't even draw flies when he gives speeches. So on Monday the Dow decided you were going to loose, and today it broke 40,000 because you're going to win? What color is the sky on your planet? We were quite sure, but thanks for confirming it. Yeah, what happened to that speech? Not even vaguely close to accurate. And yet, no mention of the vaccine. I wonder why not? The corpse at every funeral. Not gonna be sorry I missed this part, but it might give the national press something else to ignore since his vile rhetoric will be so Trump proximate.

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