Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Behold The Terror Of The Courtroom!

Yeah, they fucked up on Friday. And a lame attempt at CYA from, as I noted then, the campaign: The Judge didn't need to see this; the clerk wouldn't even let it in the door. And the DA tells Merchan: "Fuggedaboutit!" All Trump has done is ask leave to file a motion for removal. Merchan would be right to ignore this, as there's nothing in play, and the law cited in that letter is respectful of the sovereignty of state courts. (Federal jurisdiction is set by Congress, not by the Constitution.) 

Trump gets far more help from the Supremes than he deserves. Outside of that Court, his legal arguments impress no one. (And if the Supremes eventually decide there is a federal issue here that trumps the sovereignty of New York, shit will really hit the fan.)

Former Ethics Czar Norm Eisen wrote on Friday, "Trump has requested that his N.Y. case be moved to fed court in yet ANOTHER desperate attempt to delay and avoid accountability. This request should be rejected and Trump should be sentenced without delay."

"The statute allows federal officials to remove a state prosecution to federal court—but ONLY if their alleged conduct was part of their official duties," said Eisen.

"But the fundamental problem with this ploy is that Trump already tried to remove the case and lost — no second bites at the apple!" he continued. "Judge Hellerstein, who has the case and who denied him before, should shut him down on that basis alone."

This case is not ever going to federal court. 

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