Wednesday, January 06, 2021

After A Late Night....

Rushing this out because of the Pence letter at the end.
I left the Twitter and the intertoobs alone this morning. But I begin where I ended: why does Pence give a shit what a lame-duck demented old man who can't fire him says on Twitter? I really don't understand that dynamic at all, even if it is Pence. And speaking of things that will disappear down the memory hole where "Who won this years' Academy Award?" go: Gotta agree with Beckwith here: the narrative may not be reality, but it's the only reality we are allowed to talk about. Start the countdown.... Always good to know where the lunatic fringe is. And that we can call it a "fringe" again, now that it's prime avatar is slipping away from having any power any longer. A) Phrasing! B) Context! You're wrong! Now let's move on to making fools of you. Oh, too late! You've already done that, too! Just the idea that '10 days' is a magic deadline in which all will be revealed, when you couldn't reveal one damned thing in court when you had the chance. And speaking of credit where it is due: I've got a (new) coffee mug that reads: "I love it when I wake up and Trump is not President." So true, so true. I look forward to the day, 2 weeks from now, when this clown can hold rallies nobody else has to pay attention to. Well, that's settled, anyway.

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