Because the two biggest political power brokers in the country are the two fathers of Twitter. Right?Which they know is a gift to Republicans.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 5, 2023
It’s the “killer rabbit 🐇 element that I’ve never come across. And now I’m curious… 🤨Can’t wait till they find the scrolls containing the original script for “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” in Aramaic. Even an early Swedish translatiøn wøuld be cøøl.
— George Conway 🇺🇦 (@gtconway3d) June 5, 2023
A felon in possession of a gun? That’s already a federal violation. What about guns in the hands of the “mentally ill”?Haley: No. I don't trust government to deal with red flag laws. I don't trust that they won’t take them away from people who rightfully deserve to have them. Because you've got someone else judging whether someone should have a gun or not..
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 5, 2023
The entire GOP, then?Tapper: How do you define woke?
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 5, 2023
Haley:… All of these things that are pushing what a small minority want on the majority of Americans…
Kindergartners packing heat will solve a lot of problems. I suppose that elementary school kid who shot his teacher might have been shot first if she’d just had a gun. Sure reach him a lesson, huh!? Right, Nikki?Haley: The reason a lot of these happen -- and you mentioned the shooting at the schools -- you need to end gun-free zones.
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 5, 2023
Her doctor, on the other hand….It’s now considered a bold position for a Republican to say we shouldn’t murder women for making their own healthcare decisions.
— Charles Gaba isn't paying for this account. (@charles_gaba) June 5, 2023
Truthfully? I don’t have a problem with that. For me it’s all about the health of the mother. But I don’t speak for all Democrats. I’m also glad I don’t pay for cable, so none of my money finds its way to CNN.Tapper agrees with Haley that while Dems "don't use that language" yes, they do believe in abortion up until the moment of birth
— digby (@digby56) June 5, 2023
Actually, most believe Roe v Wade, which laid out various restrictions based upon the trimester of gestation, and worked well for 50 years, was fine
Jake Tapper, where's The Horse of Media Whores Online when we need her? If CNN dumps him he could get a job as a weather vein.