Sunday, June 04, 2023

“Signs Point To ‘No’”

Ted Cruz is finishing a second six-year term. Aside from reading Green Eggs and Ham on the Senate floor, and fleeing to Cancun in the worst winter storm in Texas memory, I can’t tell how he fills his time.  Odds are good he’ll win a third term. Incumbents are sticky.

Boebert’s a piker by comparison. But she’s an incumbent.

A little background;
Embarrassing, but in the grand scheme of things? Meh. Suddenly I’m seeing John Cleese teaching sex ed in “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.” And I can’t get it out of my head. That was before Ramaswamy’s parents were born and so too long ago to be important. Fuck off, boomer! It’s the Weimar Republic all over again! The signs are all there!! (Say the people who weren’t born when inflation controlled the economy from the late ‘60’s to the mid ‘80’s. It was Volcker who set the path the Fed follows now to control inflation. I know I sound old, but if you don’t remember it, you have no idea what high inflation and high interest rates are. And I ain’t talking about walking to school, uphill, both ways! Which it actually was for me. Truth.)

(My first mortgage had a 10% interest rate. By then, that was considered very “low.” Single digit mortgage interest was thought to have gone the way of the dodo. 🦤)

Yeah, I’m not touching that exchange with a club. I’ve heard versions of the Campos-Duffy argument all my life, and it either leads to a cult or to incoherence. In this case, definitely the latter.

1 comment:

  1. My first mortgage was almost 9%, but was at the end of an era, so I refinanced multiple times to the point that my payment was less than our family cellphone plan.
