Thursday, May 30, 2024

Mic Drop 🎤

I’m very curious how Turley imagines this gets into the federal system. As a lawyer/commentator just said on local TeeVee, the appeal of this case will last until we’re raising tomatoes on Mars.

Spoiler alert; Trump will run out of money long before that. He’s paying for three (soon to be four) appeals, and still has to pay for three more criminal trials. And did I mention he’s now a convicted felon?

I also wonder what grounds for appeal Turley imagines. Just the usual “Me no like!”? He’s a law professor. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Or maybe on those grounds? Yeah, we’ll see how that works. I’m sure that will be newsworthy. Does he realize how many people will watch only the soundbites, and be reminded he is now a convicted felon?

I’m telling you, this changes everything. Well, except his diaper.

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