Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trump Punched Down

The consensus number is 4200. That’s how many civil suits Trump was supposedly involved in over the decades. The problem with civil suits is, they’re expensive. I just read an article mentioning an architect who did work for Trump and never got paid for all of it.  He said it would cost more than he was owed to file suit and pursue it.

I’ve worked collections, the legal effort to collect on a judgment. It’s expensive because it’s time-consuming (lawyers do get paid by the hour), and usually does cost as much as the debt. And that doesn’t account for the ability to collect at all. Unless you are a major corporation suing Trump, it’s a loss, and not worth the candle. That’s how Trump has evaded accountability. He always punched down.

This is where I point out the time Trump and Daddy lost a Fair Housing civil suit brought by the federal government. Governments don’t buffalo, or back down, or write off the loss. And only governments bring criminal cases. One of the few times he wasn’t punching down.

By the way, E. Jean Carroll and the NYAG have already held Trump accountable. This isn’t even that new.

Except that Trump is no longer punching down. He’s got an opponent in his weight class, now. And, frankly, his lawyers aren’t that good. 😊 

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