Monday, December 16, 2019


Because criminal acts are when the President doesn't like what was done.

Three guesses, first two....
And in another edition of "POTUS projecting like a Cineplex:
In today's history lesson:

And today's...lesson:

As well as today's media lesson:

Public hearings haven't changed opinions, but support for impeachment is up!  (No, don't think about it; it will just make your brain hurt.)

Is our children learning?
Some people say....


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Sunday formally requested Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to subpoena key witnesses in the Trump administration as the Senate’s impeachment trial looms ahead.

Schumer made the request in a letter in response to the GOP Senate leader openly bragging about working with White House lawyers to defeat the House’s impeachment effort once it undergoes trial in the Senate.

The Democratic senator asked McConnell to subpoena the four top figures in President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scheme who ditched their scheduled House impeachment hearings: acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Robert Blair, his top assistant, along with former National Security Adviser John Bolton and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffy.

Schumer told McConnell that he’d be open to having other witnesses in Trump’s holdup of military aid to Ukraine testify as well.

“Conducting the trial according to this plan will also allow the public to have confidence in the process and will demonstrate that the Senate can put aside partisan concerns and fulfill its constitutional duty,” he wrote.
Bluff called:
Now let's see the White House tell the Chief Justice to take a flying leap.

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