Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Close Enough for Government Work!

Something was gonna happen someday, and now it won't because the second-in-command has taken over and we just killed the guy at the top of a bureaucracy.

Well, it works in James Bond movies.  Right?

Because they're all foreigners and therefore very bad people, amirite?
Sure he does!  Why not?  They're all on his Xmas card list, aren't they?
Eh, somebody just hit "Translate", "Print," "Sign," and "Send to Iraqi Parliament" by mistake.  Coulda happened to anybody!  Or it was a hoax, and the "Deep State" was in on it.  Although they were right about Soleimani planning something.  5% of the time they're absolutely reliable.  I guess.
Well, blame the deep state.  Everybody in the administration does.  And see the above excuses.  One of those has to be right!  That, or Trump really has rendered the entire government incompetent in just three years.

I'd rather not think about that.
I'm sure to him you're all "Nick."

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