Thursday, February 06, 2020

I was trapped in the car

No, not that way.  I was on the way home, listening to NPR (as is my wont) and they pre-empted programming to broadcast the President's....whatever it was.  Fortunately I got home and out of the car (safe!) before he came on.  Doesn't sound like I missed anything.
In which, of course, Trump says more than he means to:
And bares his anxieties to the world:
The question is, how many Senators would give a President whatever he wanted?
It's all right, the Senate gave him a pass on that.
Now I'm remembering Reagan describing the Navy cook who manned a gun on a ship under fire in Pearl Harbor.  He made it sound like he was there.  He was remembering a scene from a movie.

I had to get back in the car, with only the radio for distraction, and Lord help us, he was still going on, and the audience was applauding.  Audience, you say?  Oh, yeah:
It's like a Trump rally, but without the screaming yahoos:
And yes, he's been yammering for over an hour.
Remember real Presidents who made brief remarks in the middle of the day, because they had work to do?

And since today's events are all just one long rolling revue where only the venue changes, not the show, this is some of what Trump said at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning:

I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong nor do I like people who say, 'I pray for you,' when they know that's not so. So many people have been hurt and we can't let that go on. We have allies, we have enemies, sometimes the allies are enemies but we just don't know it. But we're changing all that.

Yeah, I don't know what he means, either.

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