Saturday, February 08, 2020

The Incredible Shrinking Women

Elizabeth Warren was simply disappeared. Right on cue, “Amy the Boss from Hell“ returns.

I’ve always thought of Bernie Sanders as the guy who would yell at the waiter about his soup (pretty sure that's from an SNL skit, but it's dead on).  I think he's inspiring young people because my generation invented "Never trust anyone over 30!" and my daughter's generation (and younger, she's well past college age now) grew up with their grandparents as extremely old people (my grandfather died at age 68; my father lived to be 90, my mother almost to 91) and so they trust Bernie (I don't, mostly because of his age.  Biden is too old, too; even Senator Professor Warren worries me.  The job requires a lot of flexibility in intelligence that starts to fade the older you get.).  Maybe such generalizations have nothing to do with anything.

On the other hand, I don't think I'd have wanted to have a beer with LBJ; not really.  Nor Bill Clinton, for that matter.  I admire their political skills, but that's not the same thing as being a trusted companion you want to meet over coffee.

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