Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Banana Republic is not just a clothing store

I mentioned earlier that Barr stands little chance of actually bringing charges against anyone from the Russia probe investigation he is conducting.  I mean that both in the sense that few DOJ attorneys are going to risk their reputations and even their license to practice in Federal court (it's separate from the license to practice law; it is issued by the Federal district judges, and can be removed at their discretion.  Lose that, and you can't represent the government, or anyone else, in that federal district.  Lawyers filing frivolous actions could face that punishment.  Filing baseless criminal charges could push judges to that action, if only to preserve the integrity of the justice system.  Would it happen?  Don't think it wouldn't be on the minds of DOJ attorneys if push came to shove on this "investigation" (which is a true witch hunt, but never mind that just now).), and in the sense that, by the time Barr could get a report upon which to base even a grand jury investigation, any attempt to get into court between now and January 20 would be subject to the same delays as referenced in that tweet.

Courts don't delay trials lightly, but neither can they conduct jury trials via Zoom.  And pending trials postponed means newly indicted defendants won't get trials for some time.  Even if Barr asked for criminal trials right now, he couldn't get them until at least this time next year.  There's no question Joe Biden's DOJ would not support Barr's investigation and prosecutions.

The question is, will he quash this kind of abuse of power?  Because that's what it is, and leaving it to history and "we don't punish previous Administrations" is no longer a viable excuse.  I quite agree with the argument that that way lie banana republics; but we have to do something to reinforce the practices and traditions Trump has traduced, or they won't reoccur.  The better practices will end up being honored in the breach more than in the keeping, and that way lies a banana republic in truth and fact.

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