Saturday, April 11, 2020

When the Quacks Are In The White House

Forget the false equivalency, there’s not even a logical connection here:
Social distancing is like opioids because domestic violence is like maple syrup?

These are the people in charge.

1 comment:

  1. If they could be sued into the flames of hell, Navarrow, Pirro, Murdoch, etc. by those who are harmed or the survivors of those killed by this kind of stuff, it would dry up immediately. This is a product of the permission to lie.

    It's also a product of how statistics and probability are taken as a god, Navarro claims that his expertise as an economist - his grasp of statistics - guarantees the validity of him pushing this stuff. Pirro is just a drunken slaggard with no morals as are those at FOX who put this kind of stuff on.
