Tuesday, June 23, 2020

There ARE limits

Stevie?  Really?

Unknot your knickers, son.  Those depictions are on private property.  You don't get a say.  I'm the first to argue (as I used to tell my congregation, and I use this story to explain why I don't have one anymore) that the historical Jesus probably looked more like Yassir Arafat than this:

My grandparents had that picture in their house.  My grandparents were not white supremacists.  Let cooler heads prevail:

This is not a hill worth dying on.

Stevie Ray Vaughn?  Really?

(answering comments the only way I can:  Yes, the statue thing is out of hand.  I think it's too small, however, in the scheme of protests, to matter.  Like King's tweet, which Trump has picked up (of course he did).  Thanks for nothing, Shaun.  But the statues:  enough, already.  Protest we need. Anarchy and destruction?  Nope.  Eyes on the prize.

And yeah, I wish I had a copy of that print above, just for nostalgia's sake.  Or maybe as a nightlight....)


  1. Stevie Ray Vaughn, a certain rock critic got worked up when I said he had a better blues band than Mick Jagger and his old stones.

    I was looking at the kamashibai cards that a 1930s Japanese Christian used to spread her version of Christianity in Japan and Jesus was definitely Japanese in them. His mother definitely looked like a native Mexican, I know because I've got an icon of La Virgen de Guadalupe.

    I wish they'd put the statue issue on hold, it's exactly the kind of silliness that loses elections.

  2. Oh, and that glowing Jesus looks remarkably like the night light someone gave me as a gag gift back when I was in my agnostic phase, I didn't think it was especially funny but it didn't bother me either. Anti-Christians tend to the adolescent.
