Friday, July 23, 2021

Step Into The Fire

Explanation: Pence was a toady, through and through.  Had there been a scintilla of a chance of a legal ground for what Trump wanted, Pence was his guy.

All this proves is that Pence wasn't as bad as Giuliani.  And the reason why is probably that Pence would have been responsible for his actions.  Giuliani still doesn't believe he should be responsible for his.  Mostly because lawyers sit next to clients in court and know they (the lawyers) won't be the ones paying the judgment/fine/going to jail.  It becomes reflexive.

Case in point:
Avenatti has a fool for a client. But he obviously also sincerely believes that he's invisible and bulletproof; because he's a lawyer. Lawyers stand next to the fire all the time. They never get burned; only their clients do. And when that happens, the clients brought it on themselves.

How else you gonna stand that close to the fire?


  1. Avenatti was good for amusement while it lasted. When he started talking about running for president it was over. Stormy Daniels at least led to Colbert's Stormy Watch segments which were funny.

    1. From what little I've read (mostly tweets reporting the opening arguments of this case against him) Avenatti was/is a first class weasel who deserves whatever is coming to him. He cheated clients left, right, and sideways, and I honestly wonder what defense he thinks he's going to raise against this case, except the "I'm a brilliant trial lawyer, watch my dust" defense.

      Which is where you know absolutely he has a fool for a client.

    2. If he did the crime I hope he does the time. He didn't come across as having a molecule of modesty in him, apparently he didn't have much in the way of judgement, either. I wonder if he'll call himself as a witness, how would that work?
