Friday, October 14, 2022

Ted's Gonna Get A Lot Of Offers From Nigerian Princes and People With Land in Southern Louisiana

Context: The mark in the con always says "It could have been real." And the con is always something too good to be true. Just sayin'...And while we're on the subject of lawyers embarassing themselves in public: There are some errors you just don't recover from. And a reason "special prosecutors" are a bad idea. In theory, they are independent and so acting as the only good guy in the room. In practice they are fallible humans with no systemic oversight running free with prosecutorial powers and the urge to turn those powers on anyone they can find, with no one looking over the shoulder to say: "No.  Bad idea.  We're not doing that."

Durham has proven that so completely now is should be a rule and he should be the object lesson in ending the use of "special prosecutors" once and for all. They are far more trouble than they are worth.

So are most Senators, for that matter.

Oh, Ted, we hardly knew ye:

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