Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Mills of God Grind Slowly....

I am convinced the Twitterati are as adolescent as Donald Trump. It’s why they jump when he says “Frog,” and why they consider his every utterance newsworthy beyond reason. It’s also why they ape his favorite chant “Lock‘I’m up!” Although I have to say the Twitter threads I follow have only mentioned the same tweet on Trump’s response to the J6 committee, and then only two of them retweeted that.  But this anxiety for “hot” justice is just too much.

It has been 2 years since January 6 and the DOJ is engaged in a seditious conspiracy trial the likes of which, I was reliably told, has never been pursued before. Considering the defense has no real defense beyond “Oh, yeah? Prove it!”, the DOJ seems to be doing just that. Did it take nearly two years to get there? I’ve seen civil cases take longer to go to trial, and they have a much lower burden of proof. Would we prefer the DOJ had simply filed charges in Jan 7? Or actually assembled a case?

Trump lost re-election, was impeached twice (no President has ever been removed from office, Clinton’s impeachment was hardly a badge of honor), and lost control of the House and the Senate. His support now is as solidly based as his claim the majority of Americans think he was robbed of re-election.

He faces a criminal investigation by the DOJ for obstructing justice; another for Jan 6; a criminal investigation in Georgia; a civil suit in New York. Does anybody want to change places with him?

Trump has always blown himself up into a VIP, but the fact is he’s always been such small beer he wasn’t worth the government’s attention. He’s not a Houdini; he’s a housefly not worth swatting. But then he became President and therefore too big to ignore. What idiot calls a Secretary of State to demand more votes for himself? Roger Stone isn’t stupid enough to do that, and he might do it without being noticed. A sitting President? Who believed he’d be that stupid?

And there’s really not much of anything going his way:
...but they grind exceeeding fine. Trump is heading for the point where those millstones touch.  I do not envy him the experience.

1 comment:

  1. possibly they are hoping the orange ferret wearing trreason weasel will go to his reward in hell and that woulld be the end. it's not enough. let him die in prrisonn. a super max prison. a fate worse than death for a mmalignant narcissist , 23 hours a day ,365 days a year , solitary confinement. i cannot wait to see that
