Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Penny Drops

I knew that when the "Dixiecrats" opposed the Civil Rights movement.

Indeed, the topic is politics.  Politics is always about power "as an end unto itself."  That's what makes Presidents like LBJ stand out so.  The man wielded power like a scholar of Machiavelli.  But he did it to help people, mostly people on the margins.

It was only about power when Gingrich launched his "Contract on America," and pushed Jim Wright out of the Speaker's office.  It was only about power when Gov. Faubus stood in the way of the National Guard. It was only about power when George Wallace ran for President.

It's always about power as an end unto itself.  It's just a question of who sees themselves as the end, and who sees the power as an end for others, or more especially for the powerless.

Even then I support the power of powerlessness, but that's another discussion.

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