Saturday, August 10, 2024

Beautiful Montana

Hello Montana I've been traveling all over," he began. "I'll tell you, I know Montana better than you know Montana. I was all over your state today." 
Trump added: "Everything was two hours! 'When are we going to be there?' 'Two hours, sir. Two hours.'" 
Trump then praised the "big" and "beautiful state" — but couldn't help but complain more about the lengthy amount of time it takes to drive from one city to the next. 
"I said, 'When are we going to be there?' 'Approximately 2 1/2 hours sir.' I said, 'Oh, great,'" Trump joked. 
Trump returned to the dig as a rally-goer received medical attention. 
"Friday evening in Montana. I think my next drive will be three, four hours. I wish it was a little closer, but that's ok," he said.
Here in Texas, I’m comfortable with driving for three hours just to get lunch. (BBQ. Best available on the planet. LBJ shipped a batch of their brisket to D.C. to entertain some people. I’m sure it was worth it.)

Claiming you know more about Montana than the residents, from a car ride, is like coming to Texas in August and saying you know more about the heat than we do because you had to walk from your car into a building.

I get; the people who came to see him probably didn’t mind. But he’s such an obnoxious little toad.

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