Friday, September 20, 2024

“If You’re So Rich, How Come You’re Not Smart?”

Are They Anxious To Vote For Trump?

For Harris?  Or to just bring an end to our long national nightmare of the endless campaign? I know that’s why I’m showing up the first day of early voting. ๐Ÿ—ณ️ 

Cancer Ward

Precisely why almost no one votes illegally. What’s the benefit? It hardly outweighs the cost. 

Trump is not a stain. Trump is a cancer.

Well, This Is…. ๐Ÿฅœ

...fucking nuts.
The SAVE Act is a proposed federal law, so, first off, it would put a future president (say, Trump) in charge of enforcing it, taking that power away from the states. Millions of voter registrations in any states the president decides are problematic could be removed until those voters “cure” their registrations, and state authorities would have no say in it. 
And what will the law require citizens who want to vote do? Lacking a passport or other proof of citizenship with their married names, they must produce both a birth certificate (with the seal of the state where it was issued; no copies allowed) and a current form of identification—both with the exact same name on them. That could instantly disqualify about 90 percent of all married women without passports or other proof that matches their birth certificates or proof of a legal name change. 
For women in that situation, they can still register to vote if they can prove that they went to court to change their name when they got married, but most women just start using their new married name without ever going through all those formalities (although a few states recognize marriage as a legal name change).
It goes much further than current federal law on citizens voting, so there’s that. It goes so far I think it would be enjoined immediately, based just on the Roberts Court decisions, including the gutting of the VRA. This exceeds the reach of that Act by orders of 4. The way it treads on state sovereignty even the Roberts court wouldn’t countenance it. In fact, I’d be very interested to see the legislative history of this bill. It’s either very, very rich, or very, very thin. I’m guessing it’s the latter.

So the courts could save us from it (when will these idiots realize there is a whole system of laws at work here?), but let’s be grateful even House Republicans understand this is nuts. As much as Project 2025 repulsed people, this would repel all but the most committed MAGA. This is Trump’s bid to be king.

This is the final proof he belongs in jail, and the GOP must be (metaphorically) burned to the ground. All the way down. The party has to cease to exist, and nothing rise from the ashes. The Democratic Party has roots reaching back to Jefferson. The Republican Party needs to be replaced, on new ground, from new ideas and leadership. Replaced root and branch. This party doesn’t want to represent the people; it wants to replace the people.

Stand Down From Red Alert

Odds of Nebraska changing its electoral vote count allocation before November now between zip and none.

You all so afraid of the future really need to relax and enjoy the present.

Poor Tom’s a-Cold

The Plague

A lot of that going around in D.C. or Ohio daycare? Your kids been playing with prairie dogs?

And yet you surround yourself with an entourage?

And if Americans can’t afford groceries, why don’t I see lines at the food banks like I did during Covid? Why is the grocery store always packed with people buying groceries when I go there? Why am I still buying the same amount of groceries I always did? I’m on a fixed income, I haven’t had a COLA (from the days when inflation was a permanent feature of life and actually bit into buying power.).

You’re really not very good at this, are you?

Guns, Germs, And Steel

Much, much older than the 1980’s. This lie is as American as cherry pie.๐Ÿฅง 

American xenophobia has always rested on the fear of contagion.๐Ÿ˜ท It was (is) official policy, and often used in propaganda to stir up hatred against immigrants.

Ironically, its historical roots lie in the diseases Europeans brought to this continent. Diseases they had developed immunity to, but that the natives hadn’t.

The Courts Will Apply Bush v Gore

And the vote will be at least 5-4 against repealing it.

This is if Georgia can’t get its full count in in time for the Vote Count act deadline. The courts will take what they’ve got, and MAGA will learn a hard lesson: this is still a government of laws, not of Mike Lindells.

Again, no 12th amendment nightmare scenario. No dropping Georgia wholly from the EC count. It didn’t happen to Florida in 2000; it won’t happen now.

UPDATE: I didn’t realize this was the Board the Georgia AG was addressing.  It is.

Which means the Board will be enjoined from implementing this insane scheme. Although I do remember the Cyber Ninjas ๐Ÿฅท hand count found more votes for Biden in Arizona than the machines did. So that would be funny.๐Ÿ˜† 

But this hand count shit?๐Ÿ’ฉ Never gonna happen.

Coo-Coo Ca-Choo, Mr. Robinson

It’s a mind-boggling possibility: that after everything that’s happened in the last decade, after all his own intolerable scandals, the thing that ends Trump’s political career could be the grotesque behavior of some other random guy. Not getting the Capitol ransacked, not going gaga for the world’s biggest autocrats, not embracing the worst and most toxic elements in American politics—just elevating a guy who happened to be a comically racist sexual degenerate. 
But there’d be a poetic justice to it all the same. Robinson is the monster Trump created. Now Trump has to survive him.
It’s always the last scandal that’s the last straw. And you never know when that’s coming, or what it’ll be.

Democrats Are Not Like Republicans

And that’s a good thing.

Eisenhower: no scandals, but McCarthy was a Republican.

Nixon: Watergate 
Ford: pardoned Nixon.

Reagan: Iran-Contra
Poppy Bush: pardoned himself on the way out.

Clinton: blow jobs in the Oval 

Shrub: Cheney, Rumsfeld, WMD, Abu Ghraib, “enhanced interrogation,” “extraordinary rendition.” To name a few.

Trump: J6 is still the most public part. If Mueller had thought he could prosecute a sitting President, he would have.

Democrats follow the evidence. Republicans scream and shout.
I’ll stand with the Democrats.

The Coffee ☕️ Boy

This is an issue that has to do with Robinson's campaign and not President Trump's campaign," a Trump campaign official told Axios in seeking to distance Trump from Robinson. 
Axios goes on to report that the Trump campaign has had concerns with Robinson for several weeks despite the fact that Trump has heaped praise on him publicly. 
"Team Trump's concerns began earlier than this week and were more deeply rooted: The latest revelations were just the last straw," the publication writes. "Michael Whatley, chairman of the Republican National Committee, has previously acknowledged that polls showed Robinson running behind Trump in North Carolina — a sign that Robinson might undermine votes for Trump."
Good luck with that.


These idiots will face a mandamus order from the court to JUST DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS!

Should they further decline, the job will be done for them.

There’s a reason Trump didn’t change the outcome in 2020, and it wasn’t lack of trying. The law was in the way. It still is.

The risk of a 12th Amendment nightmare is somewhere between “zip” and “none.”

The Weave

I’m quite sure he doesn’t realize it. I am quite sure he’s incapable of realizing it.  "ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!”

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Medic Alert

Trump: I don't think I've ever said this before. So we do these rallies. They're massive rallies. Everybody loves, everybody stays till the end. By the way, you know, when she said that, well, your rallies people leave. Honestly, nobody does. And if I saw them leaving, I'd say, and ladies and gentlemen make America great again and I'd get the hell out, ok? Because I don't want people leaving. But I do have to say so I give these long sometimes very complex sentences and paragraphs but they all come together. I do it a lot. I do it with raising cane. That story. I do it with the story on the catapults on the aircraft carriers. I do it with a lot of different stories. When I mentioned Doctor Hannibal Lecter. I'm using that as an example of people that are coming in from Silence of the Lambs. I use it. They say it's terrible. So they say so I'll give this long complex area for instance that I talked about a lot of different territory… You know, for a town hall, there's a lot of people but the fake news likes to say, the fake news likes to say, oh, he was rambling. No, no, that's not rambling. That's genius. When you can connect the dots. Now, now, Sarah, if you couldn't connect the dots, you got a problem. But every dot was connected and many stories were told in that little paragraph 

You really have to read it to understand his mind is a nest of spiders.  I'm sure there are medical terms for this, but I just call it Authentic Frontier Gibberish.  If this was your grandfather (or your father, depending on your age), you'd sit him down and offer him a nice cup of warm cocoa.  Maybe find something for him to watch on TeeVee.

You wouldn't put him in charge of even folding the socks. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

JD Goes For The Hall Of Fame

"Nobody knows where these people are coming from!" More counterpoint. Well, Trump promised not to use the word "joy." Vance is so inept it physically hurts. Especially with Secret Service agents checking everyone at the doors. I gave up trying to figure out my fellow man. I let them try to figure me out.

Dumber'n A Box Of Auto Parts, More Racist Than Henry Ford

I hadn't even had the time to get around to that one (what? No watermelon?) when Vance makes it worse: Why are we going to be on the path to slavery? Because Kamala Harris is going to make us buy our electric cars from China! Why we can't buy them from Sweden, Germany, Japan, or Austin, Texas, remains a mystery. Does he even understand we have more automobile manufacturers in the US now than then Ford, GM, and Chrysler dominated Detroit? I'm sure he doesn't. I'm sure he just assumes his audience is as stupid and stuck helplessly in the 1970's as Trump is.

So, abortion is slavery.  Buying products from China (like Trump's iPhone) is slavery.  Not being able to buy cars "in Michigan" is slavery.  Toyota and Tesla make cars in Texas.  Mercedes made (makes?) cars in Tennessee.  There are a lot of car brands "Made In America."

What the fuck is this idiot talking about?

Twitter User "IHateHaitians14392" Isn't So Sure

All appropriate apologies to DougJBalloon

Anybody? Anybody?

Anybody else getting a sci-fi movie/bad action film vibe off of this? First: pagers? What is this, 1985? Second: programming pagers to explode? If somebody had put that in the plot of a movie, it would: a) be only a side bar to the main evil scheme, and b) be labeled "ridiculous" and undercutting whatever small virtues the movie had. we are.

I guess it's a good argument for not still having a pager....

Hezbollah apparently went to pagers after their cellphones were compromised. Still curious about the attack vector, which I've read was causing batteries to overheat. I suppose these are not your 1980s-era items, so perhaps you can mess with the power management software? Or that was disinformation to protect methods and procedures?
 Well, now I suspect (seriously) a very long term plan.  (I also had no idea non-'80's era pagers were even available!). Software does run almost everything (Mr. Computer Tech here!), so it's plausible that could be hacked (highly technical term!) to do this.  I mean, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, isn't it?

"I'm not the only skeptic!"
If anything, this is actually more comforting.

JD Vance: "But He Didn't Call Them Fascists!"

The Deep State Is Complicated

Gotta keep 'em undeserving AND a threat!

It's The Only Way To Be Sure

At this point the only way to be safe is to cancel the election and proclaim Trump President for Life and In Charge of Everything Everywhere, No Take Backs!

That or dust off and nuke the whole thing from space.
The power of JD's crowds compels you!

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Happy Constitution Day!

Yeah, but JD Vance metaphorically murdered his parents and now wants an apology from people who say he's not an orphan deserving of their sympathy: The connection between "illegal immigrants" and housing costs is non-existent.  But he's still trying to make "fetch" happen. (He doesn't get a lot of support for that one on Twitter, either.) Also, I'm old enough to remember when support for candidates from foreign countries was considered a bad thing.

And JD's already trying to distract from it:
He really is doing his damndest to make Trump look like "the smart one."

Granted, The Competition For "Dumbest Person in American Politics" Is Fierce

Can they read through the envelopes (in Texas mail in ballots have two) to read the ballots? Or is this another of those conspiracy theories that doesn't depend on knowledge of the vote, just on "algorithms" and sheer ignorance. How was it, again, that the Democrats orchestrated Biden's nationwide victory, and didn't also orchestrate control of both Houses of Congress with clear majorities?

By the way, does Trump realize he'll have to file lawsuits in 50 states, and in localities where the evidnece identifies serious deficiencies in mail delivery (as well as evidence ballots were not delivered in accordance with local state law)?  He'll need to show such evidence just to show the count was invalid and would have shifted in his favor, which would require access to the undelivered ballots and permission to review their content.  Which might well take longer than the deadline set by Bush v Gore would allow.

He can't just say "I lost because!"  He lost 60+ lawsuits four years ago trying that "strategy."
Aux arms, les citoyens! Not exactly the call to the barricades Trump thinks it is; in large part because he proves Harris correct time and again.  This is all about him. If he loses, it was rigged.  If he wins, nothing else matters.  Except this time, if he wins, he's coming for all those people he was told he couldn't come for the first time around.  Which, you know, is a real GOTV effort, ain't it?

The Dumbest Man In American Politics

Mr. Vance went on to point out that he doesn't live in Springfield,Ohio, so those duck and cat eating ni--, er, immigrants, are not his neighbors.

He said to him, "How do you read what is written in the Law?"

And he answered:  "You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your energy, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."

Jesus said to him, "You have given the correct answers; do this and you will have life."

But with a view to justifying himself, he said to Jesus, "But who is my neighbor?"

Jesus replied:

There was a man going from Jerusalem down to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers.  They stripped him, beat him up, and went off, leaving him half dead.  Now by coincidence a priest was going down that road; when he caught sight of him, he went out of his way to avoid him.  In the same way, when  Levite came up to the place, he took one look at him and crossed the road to avoid him. But this Samaritan who was traveling that way came to where he was and was moved to pity at the sight of him.  He went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring olive oil and wine on them.  He hoisted him onto his own animal, brought him to an inn, and looked after him.  The next day he took out two silver coins, which he gave to the innkeeper, and said, 'Look after him, and on my way back I'll reimburse you for any extra expense you have had.'

'Which of these three, in your opinion, acted like a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?"

He said, "The one who showed him compassion."

Jesus said to him, "Then go and do the same yourself."
--Luke 10:25-37 (SV)

  JD Vance is, without doubt or competition, the dumbest person to ever run for national office. And I remember Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin. Both are redeemed from the bottom of history's barrel by Vance.

Legal Matters

No surprise, except the article doesn't say "more charges are expected." Although I'm sure they are. What it does say is:

The counts include possession of a firearm while a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.  

Not suprised by either (both federal violations, not state).  Arraignment is set for Sept. 30; any other charges will probably be filed by then, and depend heavily on Routh's cooperation and/or his social media. 

The two charges are fairly easy to prove, and rather difficult to defend against, provided the DOJ can prove Routh is the one who left the gun there (that is an assumption at this point).  Then again, if they can prove that (from Routh's statements; I don't think there were eyewitnesses who could identify Routh with the gun in his custody or control), they might have a leg up on an attempted murder or assault charge.  But that gets a bit dicier; not impossible, just tougher to establish than these two charges will be.

IOW, these two charges could be a 10-minute bench trial.  Proving more serious charges would require stronger evidence, which may, or may not, be as readily available. 

Speaking of which:

The basics here are: Bexar County (just pronounce it "Bear" like we do) voted on September 3 to award a contract to mail out voter registration forms to unregistered persons in the county. On September 4, Paxton sued to enjoin (i.e., get an injunction) to stop them.  What Paxton didn't do, is request a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order).

In a suit like this, you always ask for a TRO and a hearing on same even before the defendant has been served with the suit.  You do this because you need to stop the defendant from doing whatever they are doing, and a TRO freezes them for 10 days (at most), while they can get to court and argue against the TRO being turned into a temporary injunction (one pending until the case goes to trial).  Paxton didn't do that.  And then he went one step further:

Ryan Kercher, deputy chief of the special litigation division in the attorney general’s office, argued that the plan could result in ineligible people registering to vote. Paxton appealed the decision on Monday evening, claiming Bexar officials "expedited" the mail out to take place before the hearing.
 Kercher is: a) an incompetent boob, or b) didn't seek a TRO on purpose.  The correct answer is "b)."  Paxton didn't even try to make an argument that an emergency existed.  He could have had a TRO on September 4, except he didn't want one.  By the time this got to court on a motion to dismiss (which was granted):
“The target of the mailing — qualified individuals who recently moved to or within Bexar County — have received those forms, and perhaps have already returned them,” said Bexar County Assistant Criminal District Attorney Robert W. Piatt III.

Which was, in no small part, probably why the judge dismissed the case.  Did Paxton know he had no chance of getting a TRO (it's not that hard to do, if you have grounds for an injunction.  Whether you can keep it is a bit tougher, but a TRO is usually granted ex parte, that is, without other parties at the hearing.  But that's why it only lasts 10 days.)?  My guess is, he did.  Which effectively means he had no grounds for this suit (that would be why the judge dismissed so quickly, too.  Paxton was dilatory, and didn't present any persuasive legal argument for his claims.) sdBut he filed suit anyway, just as he's now appealing.  His audience is not the judges on the appellate bench, it's the MAGA boobs in the hinterlands who think brown people are going to illegally put Democrats into office.

Paxton isn't being a lawyer.  He's just playing one on TeeVee.

I think the DOJ will do a better job against Mr. Routh.  Although I'm still not sure his intent (if he effectively confesses) is enough to combine with his actions (poking a rifle through a fence and then running away) to create a crime.  Mens rea is part of it, but the actus reus is necessary, too.  And considerieng he never had line of sight on Trump, never pulled the trigger, just poked a gun he shouldn't have had (felon in possession) through a chain link fence; well, I don't know if that meets the elements of any charge for attempted....anything.  Eh, we'll see.d 

Monday, September 16, 2024

"A Little Louder For The People In The Back"

And as I said earlier: So...there was no "shooter."  Barely even an assassination attempt.  More like a concept of an attempt, you might say. There was a guy; with a gun; within 600 yards of Trump. "Florida," in other words. I expect this guy has talked freely to the FBI, giving them enough information to hange an "attempted" charge on. But the emphasis is still on "attempt."

Speaking of soft targets: Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because: Or could it be:
"At least 33 separate bomb threats," said DeWine at a news conference. "Each one of which has been responded to and each one of whom has been found as a hoax. So 33 threats, 33 hoaxes, I will make that very, very clear. None of these had any validity at all."

"I want to say to the parents in Springfield, these hoaxes of these, these threats have all been hoaxes, none of them have panned out," DeWine continued. "We have people unfortunately overseas who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States and they're, they're continuing to do that."
I'm glad they were invalid threats. That doesn't excuse the reason the threats began in the first place. Inchoate terrorism is still terrorism.

If This Was Trump Being Deliberate, Would It Make Any Difference?

That means this will go over well:

Former President Donald Trump plans to visit Springfield, Ohio, "soon," a source familiar with the planning said.

Springfield, and Ohio, need a Trump visit like they need another bomb scare. 

"In Order To Save The Village, We Had To Destroy It"*

"Springfield, Ohio, is just the sort of beleaguered heartland manufacturing town that Donald Trump and J. D. Vance say the MAGA movement wants to help," Graham wrote Monday.

"Instead, the Republican ticket has chosen to make life miserable for the town and its residents for the sake of political gain."


"To lie for a political purpose — and then to admit to it — is to practice a politics so dishonest and so manipulative, it demonstrates pure contempt for the American public," Graham wrote.

"Ever since Vance started spotlighting the claims last week, and Trump repeated them during the presidential debate, life in the city has been severely disrupted."


"By nearly every local account, the influx of Haitians and other immigrants has been a godsend for the local economy," Graham wrote. "New manufacturers have arrived, offering good-paying jobs."


"The former president says he will kick immigrants out of the country and revitalize manufacturing," Graham wrote. "But towns like Springfield show that immigration and revitalized manufacturing often travel hand in hand. Trump has no answer for that.

"It is as though the city of Springfield asked for a bandage, and the Trump campaign responded by spraying mace in its eyes and calling it first aid." 

But, but, but...immigration is working for Trump!  I mean, yeah, ya gotta break a few, eggs.  But, you know, just like in Vietnam, those people are stained with the presence of immigrants.  In order to get the immigrants out, there may be some collateral damage.  But that's the cost of freedom, right?  

At least a cost Trump and Vance won't pay.

*Just a reminder Trump remains mired in a time 60 years gone. 

Their Legacy Rights To Stoop Labor

Writing on his Truth Social platform on Monday, Trump lashed out at "[i]llegal Migrants who are POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY, in record numbers, are taking the JOBS away from Black and Hispanic people who have held them for years."

Trump, the Republican nominee, argued that the "jobs are not replaceable" because Harris would leave the border "WIDE OPEN and there will always be more people coming in, many of them terrorists and criminals."

The former president concluded his post by asserting that Harris was attacking the "heritage" of Black and Hispanic people.


And yet he thinks what he's inspired in Springfield, Ohio is helping him. 


The would-be emperor is nekkid as a jaybird.

"You Know What's Really Getting Old?" Trump Family Whinging

That would be the grandfather who doesn't know anything about bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio? Cry harder, Jr. Meanwhile, "Grandfather" has pivoted to being the victim, again: How long did that take? Less than 12 hours? At what point did it become an "attack"? Serious question. These distinctions make a difference. Well, nobody took a picture of his car until he was running away. Empty-handed. Yeah, I'm really worried about Trump's grandkids.  And Trump is really using this to paint himself in a more sympathetic light:

"Sanewashing Is Real"

Yeah, everybody noticed Trump's answer to the New York Economic Forum about child care. But that wasn't the only incoherent answer he gave that day. I missed this one completely. Even without the spot-on commentary, it's just rambling word dissociation and dribbling nonsense until someone on the podium finally cuts him off.

I'm serious when I say it:  this man can't be allowed anything sharper than a rubber ball.

Swatting A Fly With A Sledgehammer๐Ÿชฐ๐Ÿ”จ

Still trying to figure out what the "attack" was. Poking a gun through a fence for a target 500-600 yards away? (5 to 6 football fields, IOW, for those of you who were watching the NFL yesterday.) And not a straight shot, either.  From what I understand, Trump wasn't even in sight.

Carrying a gun in a restricted space?  Maybe there's something like that.  But I come back to my one criminal client ("NOT THAT AGAIN!!!!") who had a shotgun in the package tray of the car he was driving.  That counted as "possession" for the law against felons in possession of firearms, but it always seemed to me the AUSA was swatting a fly with a sledgehammer.  But if it was "possession of a gun" where a gun shouldn't be, that's not an "attack."  Not under any reading of any law.  In both cases, there was possession of a gun, but in both cases the gun wasn't used.  Use of the gun is a far more serious crime; and federal law would override any "right to possession" under Florida law, in the right circumstances.  But "attack"?

And if the crime is carrying a gun within 500 yards of the ex-President, then you'll have to arrest most of Florida.  But still, that's not an "attack."  It's just "open carry."  It it is an "attack," what's the perimeter around MAL?

I'm not saying the SS did wrong to fire on the guy, or that the sheriff was wrong to arrest him.  I just can't quite figure the crime, and "attack" is a very loose use of the term.  Understand that the civil tort of "assault" can be very indirect.  It is an unwanted contact, as when a man deliberately brushes his hand across a woman's breast, say.  But if you rudely knock a tray from a person's hand in a cafeteria line, is that "unwanted contact" constituting assault?  Yes, it is; per the case law.  Assault, in other words, doesn't necessarily require actual contact with the body of the other person.

So, yeah, this guy probably violated some criminal statute.  But "attack" is the wrong way to characterize it.  If we had evidence he'd actually drawn a bead on Trump, actually lined him up in the crosshairs of a scope like you see in the movies (how come real life is never like that?), it would be different.  But this guy poked a gun through a chain link fence while Trump was 500-600 yards away (completely out of sight, IOW), and dropped the gun and ran when he was fired upon (showing at least some good sense).

I think it's pretty clear Trump is attracting whackos.  I think it equally as clear Trump is providing targets of opportunity that neither Biden nor Harris routinely provide (I remember the photos of Biden in a Corvette, when he was VP.  He couldn't drive it off the grounds of the Naval Observatory.).  His inflammatory rhetoric is also a causative agent.

I'm glad the Secret Service did its job and stopped the guy.  I'm glad no one was hurt.  But this guy was attacked by law enforcement (in the course and scope of their duties).  He didn't really attack anyone.

We really need to stay clear on what happened here.

Right On Schedule

"He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it," said Trump while speaking to Fox News Digital. "Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out."

"These are people that want to destroy our country," Trump claimed on the interview. "It is called the enemy from within. They are the real threat." He added that Democrats "use highly inflammatory language. I can use it too — far better than they can — but I don’t."

Yeah, Trump never uses inflammatory language at all.  Right, Springfield?

City officials announced Monday that CultureFest, slated to take place on Sept. 27 and Sept. 28, had been scrapped after multiple schools and the town hall were targeted with bomb threats, the Springfield News-Sun reported.

“We deeply regret having to cancel CultureFest, as we know it is a beloved event for our community,” City Manager Bryan Heck said in a Facebook announcement. “However, the safety of our residents and visitors must come first.”

The announcement does not call out Vance's false claim, echoed by Donald Trump, that immigrants were eating pets but cites "recent threats and safety concerns" that Mayor Rob Rue told the New York Times were a “hateful response to immigration in our town.”

Monday's announcement states that "City officials, in consultation with local and state law enforcement, determined that canceling the event is the most responsible course of action to prevent any potential risks to attendees, staff, vendors and volunteers."

Meanwhile, back in North Korea at FoxNews: 

"The one thing about the president you notice, he does best under pressure," Kilmeade asserted. "I mean, you saw with the first shooting, second shooting, when things go crazy around him, that's when he's calmest."

"When he's under, when there's stress and there's chaos around him, he has the opposite reaction," he added. "It's like an athlete's reaction."

Trump shared details of the attempted shooting with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

"They were on the fifth hole, they were about to go up to putt," Hannity said on Sunday. "Within seconds, the Secret Service pounced on the president, covered him."

"The first thing the president did when he got back to the clubhouse was make sure that everybody else was okay," he said. "Then, when the president found out everybody was safe and nobody had been harmed, I guess in typical fight, fight, fight fashion, Trump said to [Steve Witkoff], and then he related to me, oh, I really wanted to finish the hole."

Or, you know, he was never in danger at all, since the guy with the gun he abandoned at the fence, never fired a shot, and Trump was 500 yards away on a different hole.

I'm sure Trump recorded his score as having won the whole round, with a course record.

God Moves In Mysterious Ways

Or perhaps more accurately, people do. Loomer was drawn to Trump; not vice versa. This is not Trump revealed. It is Trump finally understood. I mean, yeah. But what part about "Mexican rapists" back in 2015 did you not understand? Or "grab 'em by the pussy," for that matter?

A Concept Of An Attempt

I'm trying to figure out what the charges will be. I know making verbal threats against a protected person (like Trump) could get you a visit from the Secret Service.  But that's investigatory, not necessarily in pursuit of an arrest.

This guy poked a gun through a fence (early reporting was he was on the golf course.  Later reporting is he was outside the fence of the golf course.)  Florida is an "open carry" state, so simply walking around within 500 yards of Trump with a gun is not a state crime, at least. (Federal law could definitely have other ideas.)  But still: it's Florida.
So there's that. Which isn't necessarily a counter-argument to bringing charges, but it's gonna be pretty weak tea. I mean, I saw an AUSA absolutely HAMMMER a felon for the crime of being stopped for a busted taillight and sent back to the Federal pen for having a shotgun in the passage tray (ask yer grandpa!).  That constituted "possession" of a firearm, a whole new violation.  So this guy could get hammered into oblivion.  I'm just not sure for what.  Poking a gun through a fence?  Carrying a gun within 500 feet of the GOP candidate?  Help me out here. As long as we're stretching the concept of "assassination attempt." Yeah, it sorta sounds like that. Except, of course, this was not a shooting. Still wondering how loosely that term can be used. And speaking of conspiracies: We the people get to protect Trump from his own stupidity.

My Morning Routine In One Tweet

Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Carry On With Your Sunday Afternoon"

 Will J.D. Vance say this is just a fact of life or is that only when school children, teachers and school staff are the ones who do get killed?

Good question: 

Of course, nobody actually shot at Trump: The first question is: "How'd a guy with an AK47 walk around so freely?" The answer: "FLORIDA!" In other words, somebody saw this guy wandering around with an AK47 and two backpacks, and thought:  "Carry on with your Sunday afternoon." I mean, it's not like it was a black kid cutting through a neighborhood in a hoodie.  Still, Ms. Vindman triggered MAGA. And some are concerned Trump will do again what he did before: Except he wasn't shot, and wasn't really ever in danger (it's Florida. People are allowed to walk around with dangerous firearms. It's only after they fire them that we grow concerned. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♂️)  The "shooter" wasn't a shooter.  He never fired a shot. Let me say again what happened: Florida. Man allegedly with gun ran like a scared rabbit, leaving behind gun, 2 backpacks, and a camera. Was caught within the hour. And all the rhetoric around violence still comes from Trump and Vance, who are happiest when the violence doesn't touch them. Or, as in this case, the violence is directed toward others. Again. Had Florida not been Florida, it might have seemed a bit more odd this guy was approaching the golf course at all. Especially since somebody saw him running (sans gun, backpacks, or camera) and took note of his car (probably the witness heard the gunshots from the SS agent). One assumes somebody saw him heading to the golf course, but thought nothing of it. I mean, it's Florida. Early reports from the NYPost said the golf course is in a bad neighborhood. One assumes a "bad neighborhood" in Florida is rife with rifles and guns.

Trump actually was shot, once (I'll admit I'm still highly skeptical about that, given he shows no signs of wounding).  He tried to play the victim from that.  It lasted about a week. How much "victim" mileage is he likely to get out of this?  Playing the victim is not in Trump's nature, except to complain that everything is "rigged" against him.  He has no other card to play, and wouldn't know how to play it if you handed it to him.  As actually happened.

Already MAGA is more interested in criticizing Rachel Vindman as a defense of Trump.  That won't last the rest of the night.

Why, No, The Trump/Vance Campaign Is Not Inciting Violence In Springfield, OH With Lies...

Whatever would make you say that? Not directly related, but I'm guessing Trump hasn't seen this one yet? Back on the other topic: Frum doesn't say where his information comes from. CNN insists it was an assassination attempt, but could well have gotten that from the same SS agents who let Trump up to expose himself to more gunfire so he could strike a pose. Or they just got it from Trump. That SS agents tackled Trump is no doubt true. That there was gunfire could be the reason. Who was shoting at what, it still to be determined. JMM seems to be in agreement with Frum: Well, maybe they knew this:

Law enforcement sources told the New York Post that there was a shooting "near" Trump as he was leaving his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday afternoon.

"Two people exchanged gunfire outside of Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach," the report said. "The shooters were targeting each other, and the gunfire was not targeting Trump."

The report also confirmed that "Trump was never in danger and that the shooting happened in an area outside the club that is known for high crime."

Open carry laws, bay-bee.  (CNN needs to reconsider relying on Trump's people for sources.  Maybe they just saw Trump's fundraising tweet.)