Friday, August 02, 2024

I Think We’re Through Here

Trump is upset in 1993 because Native Americans are competing with his casino that he later drove into bankruptcy, despite the best efforts of his father.
In the exchange, Miller pressed Trump, "Is this you, discussing Indian blood: ‘We’re going to judge people by whether they have Indian blood whether they’re qualified to run a casino or not?’” 
"That probably is me, absolutely. Because, I’ll tell you what. If you look at some of the reservations that you’ve approved, that you, sir in your great wisdom have approved, I'll tell you right now, they don’t look like Indians to me,” Trump shot back. 
He then argued, "And they don’t look like the Indians. Now, maybe we say politically correct or not politically correct, they don’t look like Indians to me, and they don’t look like Indians to Indians. A lot of people are laughing at it. You're telling how tough it is, rough it is, to get approved, When you go up to Connecticut, they don't look like Indians to me, sir." 
That led Miller to lecture the future president, "Thank God that’s not the test of whether or not people have rights in this country or not – whether or not they pass your ‘look’ test. " 
Following the clip, MSNBC's Ana Cabrera noted, "Congressman George Miller of California, who confronted Trump in that 1993 clip, said that was the most irresponsible testimony he had heard in his 40 years in Congress."
Get the fork.

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