Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Racist Is Worse Than Weird

It’s not even subtly a racist jab. But no one seems to notice that out loud.

Not that today wasn’t weird enough already.
What did Trump tell Bartiromo the day he announced his “agreement” with FoxNews (and where is that “debate” being held? What time? Anybody know?): “They already know about me?” I think he’s hiding out in his happy place. Safely ensconced in MAL, where he’s raised the membership fee to make sure only the most sycophantic are in attendance. While JD Vance learns he’s not that clever at all: Nice try: A bit more subtly: Still haven’t washed off that “weird” label, huh, JD? Why is that?

1 comment:

  1. The fact that the mainstream media isn't noting that the Republican Party, 2024 is exactly redoing the worst of Jim Crow politics of the late 19th and early 20th century just shows that they're doing what the press did then, supporting white supremacy. I include the likes of A. G. Sulzberger and Mara Gay in that accusation. It isn't really an accusation, it's an observation of objective reality. We are reliving the worst of our history because it is so useful to the wealthy and so powerful.
