Friday, August 16, 2024

Yes, This "Press Conference" Was Supposed To Be About Trump's Economic Policy

Getting ready for the press conference. Experiencing the "supply chains." (Wait for it!) OPTICS! MATH IS HARD! GRIM CREEPING SOCIALISM! NOLLIJ! We are a net exporter of petroleum products, and we set the price on the world market. We can no more cut ourselves off from the world oil market than we can shut off the sun for the rest of the world and keep all the sunlight for Americans. ??????? LIFE IS HARD! AND UNFAIR! HOORAY!!! AMERICA IS A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!! SUPPLY CHAINS! AT LAST!! I think he remembers the phrase from covid days, when "supply chains" meant hospitals couldn't get ventilators and PPE because Jared and Trump didn't understand how the government could stand-in for malfunctioning supply chains (because nobody was working, they were all home sick or avoiding crowds. Except Elmo's workers. He moved from California to Texas because he couldn't make his factory workers work for him and get sick for him in California.) HOORAY! THE WORLD IS GOING DOWN!! ON AMERICA!!! TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE! TIME MAGAZINE! DRINK!! NARRATOR: "NO. HE ISN'T." AND THE SCHOOLYARD TAUNTS SECTION OF HIS GREATEST HITS! AND THE "RUSSIA, IF YOU'RE LISTENING!" SECTION!! LORD OF THE FLIES! WHAT TOM SAID!

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