Friday, September 20, 2024

Well, This Is…. 🥜

...fucking nuts.
The SAVE Act is a proposed federal law, so, first off, it would put a future president (say, Trump) in charge of enforcing it, taking that power away from the states. Millions of voter registrations in any states the president decides are problematic could be removed until those voters “cure” their registrations, and state authorities would have no say in it. 
And what will the law require citizens who want to vote do? Lacking a passport or other proof of citizenship with their married names, they must produce both a birth certificate (with the seal of the state where it was issued; no copies allowed) and a current form of identification—both with the exact same name on them. That could instantly disqualify about 90 percent of all married women without passports or other proof that matches their birth certificates or proof of a legal name change. 
For women in that situation, they can still register to vote if they can prove that they went to court to change their name when they got married, but most women just start using their new married name without ever going through all those formalities (although a few states recognize marriage as a legal name change).
It goes much further than current federal law on citizens voting, so there’s that. It goes so far I think it would be enjoined immediately, based just on the Roberts Court decisions, including the gutting of the VRA. This exceeds the reach of that Act by orders of 4. The way it treads on state sovereignty even the Roberts court wouldn’t countenance it. In fact, I’d be very interested to see the legislative history of this bill. It’s either very, very rich, or very, very thin. I’m guessing it’s the latter.

So the courts could save us from it (when will these idiots realize there is a whole system of laws at work here?), but let’s be grateful even House Republicans understand this is nuts. As much as Project 2025 repulsed people, this would repel all but the most committed MAGA. This is Trump’s bid to be king.

This is the final proof he belongs in jail, and the GOP must be (metaphorically) burned to the ground. All the way down. The party has to cease to exist, and nothing rise from the ashes. The Democratic Party has roots reaching back to Jefferson. The Republican Party needs to be replaced, on new ground, from new ideas and leadership. Replaced root and branch. This party doesn’t want to represent the people; it wants to replace the people.

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