Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Night of the Long Knives

If Trump is wounded by Kentucky, blood will be in the water, and the "invincible" leader whose tweets make women faint and strong men quiver with fear, may quickly turn into a mouse who should be driven from the party's house.

If Trump can't turn out his base to win in Kentucky, if Trump is in fact the motivating factor that turns out Democratic voters in the states he touches with his magic winkie, this could be trouble for Trump in the Senate:

If Trump is driving the wrong voters to the polls, of what use is he?  What terror does he hold, what power does he sway?
Republican Senators can read these tea leaves, too.
No shit, Sherlock.  The only question now is:  do they calculate it's worth going to the bitter end?  Or do they cut their losses and staunch the bleeding?  There isn't another election between now and November 2020.  Time to decide.

1 comment:

  1. As they say, it wasn't until the Republicans in leadership in the Congress figured it was going to cost them big to support Nixon that they told him it was all over. Mitch must have been really shook about Kentucky, he and his wife will need a pardon but he's not going to like having to run for reelection with the Trump baggage.
