Thursday, January 30, 2020

Me? Or Your Lyin' Ears?

Nice try.  I listened to you live.  I can watch you on almost any platform on the internet.

You said what you said.  Trumpian lies won't save you.  Wear your words like an albatross.  You deserve them.

1 comment:

  1. He has opened my eyes to the kind of dishonesty that playing to sway the gullible and stupid members of a jury becoming a life-long and corrupting habit in the lawyers and judges who allow that kind of stuff during trials. And in its worst forms in American post-war-lie-enabled media.

    Alan Dershowitz is someone I hope lives long enough and with faculties enough to know he has made himself a figure of evil in history. He is only one on the Trump Seam-Team I hope that for.
