Thursday, August 05, 2021

Are These The Same People….?

Who tell me voter ID is no kind of imposition at all?

And driving a car is, in America, one of the basic activities of life.  Yet when the cop pulls you over, the first thing you’re asked to produce is your driver’s license.  The second is proof of insurance.

Proving you aren’t spreading a contagious and deadly disease which has already killed over 600,000 Americans alone, doesn’t seem like much of an imposition in light of the other ways we must “show papers.”  The end of this line of argument is that society doesn’t exist and I can do what I want as long as I’m not caught.  This line of argument is an argument for anarchy, and nothing less than that.

It’s certainly an argument for allowing the virus to run rampant and mutate and become even worse than it is now, all for “Freedumb!”
I really don't understand why the GOP is on the side of the virus.


  1. It's the same reason they hated the ACA, the same reason they hated Medicare and Medicaid, the same reason they hate WICC, general assistance, etc. And the reason they love letting criminals, the insane and the evil to have whatever guns they want. They are entirely unbothered with people dying of preventable causes, everything from murder to illness to starving to death.

    They are depraved. And I don't mean they are irresponsible due to insanity, they choose to be depraved.

    1. Best answer I can come up with.
