Thursday, June 09, 2022

Unidentified Amarillo Object

Now this is a dilemma! I don't know about the practice in Florida, but back in the day in Travis County counsel for the parties submitted orders for the Court’s signature after a ruling.

This is a still from a security camera at the Amarillo Zoo (I've traveled to Amarillo several times in the last few years.  I had no idea they HAD a zoo!).  The time stamp is 1:23 a.m.  It was discovered in a review of the security footage the next day.  That is inside a perimeter fence at the zoo.  The city of Amarillo is asking people on the internet to identify it.  So it's:

A) a hoax from a city desperate for attention (possible.  As I say, I've been to Amarillo several times, always staying overnight downtown.  It is the deadest downtown I've ever seen, and that includes the city I grew up in.)

B) Some clown in a costume desperate for a hoax to get started, and not acting under a city imprimatur.

C) a chupacabra.

As a child working his way diligently through the holdings of the downtown Carnegie Library (may the name of Carnegie be praised throughout the ages!), at one point I read every book on "monsters" they had.  It was something of a cottage industry in the '60's, to write books not just about yetis and sasquatches, but about various bizarre creatures that some poor soul encountered on a country road after midnight, just long enough to be scared, never long enough to get a picture or a good look at it.  I believed too easily in these stories until I learned how much people will fabricate things for as many reasons as there are people to fabricate them.

And of course there's the famous Bigfoot footage where the camerman now claims he had his wife dress up and walk around so he could film it.  (I recently went to Pike's Peak, which now has a gift shop and a donut shop atop it.  Eh, beats the icy mountaintop the Lovely Wife and I found on our honeymoon 45 years ago.  Anyway, they seem to have adopted Bigfoot as an unofficial mascot.  I got a coffee mug with the iconic Bigfoot silhouette, and the legend "Hide And Seek Champion."  Seemed appropriate.)

So this is probably more "Bigfoot" stuff.  The picture is certainly out of focus enough to allow imagination to fill in the gaps (or not see the obvious costume is obvious).

Still, a little joy and mystery is not a bad thing.  Especially these days:
I think the chupacabra seems more humane.

That requires a palate cleanser:
Prominent white men should not be subject to the criminal law at all. They don't deserve what criminals deserve! (which is NOT a racist statement! NOT AT ALL!)*

*Sure it isn't.

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