Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Dog. Bone. (I Can Quit Anytime)

The easiest job in the world is telling other people what they should do.


“Context is all.”
Humor is good, too.

Although I have to tack this on:
Tell me you’ve never attended a press conference without… you know.

Who is this asshole when he’s at home? The President of the United States stand before a roomful of reporters and take questions until they are satisfied? And how long after hell froze over would that happen?* Not to mention the POTUS doesn’t have to explain his every decision to the full satisfaction of whoever has the White House beat. What an arrogant prig, to imagine his shit smells that much like roses. 🌹 

Besides, Hunter should have suffered so Trump would have to find another implausible excuse to do whatever he’s going to do anyway.

*If memory serves, Obama actually did that once. It got down to one obnoxious reporter keeping everyone in class after the bell had rung. When it finally ended the press complained that Obama still hadn’t explained himself. Nobody remembers what the issue even was, anymore.

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