Thursday, March 19, 2020

"You Think They'll Notice?"

Trump's re-election strategy:

“Trump allies say that, for the time being at least, his reelection hopes hinge almost entirely on his ability to manage the crisis,” said the report. “While they acknowledge his initial response was lacking and that the virus poses a mortal threat to his 2020 prospects, they foresee a possible silver lining. If the virus passes and businesses and schools reopen before the election, they say, the president could present himself as the protagonist in an American comeback story.”

So the plan is to run out in front of the parade and pretend he was leading it the whole time.  That's if things go well.  If they don't go well?  Well, it's still a hoax, I guess.  Or he's still doing a great job.  Or he was aware of the virus before the virus was a hoax but after he declared the virus defeated and before we went on a "war" footing and after the hidden enemy was routed by unseen forces that only Trump could marshall before he decided it wasn't his responsibility and the states should take care of it.

In other words, it's the "We've always been at war with Eastasia" strategy.  The same one Sean Hannity is using.  Coincidence?  I think not.

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