Sunday, July 12, 2020

And People Wonder Why The Country Is In Such Bad Shape

So, not in America, then?

I really like this racist idea that we need to save "worthy" white children from public schools by giving them the money they need to go to private school, where the blacks and browns can be excluded (but not the Asian, they're okay).  Not only are there no such schools, but in this pandemic, how many private schools do you think are being pressured to reopen by parents of the children going there?  And since those schools can say "you're money's no good here," how many students do vouchers actually save?

Betsy DeVos is not fit to be among humans, much less to be Secretary of Education.

1 comment:

  1. Remember, this is a rchbch (sorry, I can't honestly say I think of her in any other way) who has like, what, 9 yachts?
