Thursday, July 09, 2020

Going Full Jackson?

Geez, I think Rick was right:

Trump's legal strategy is always the same: ignore the law, but keep kicking the can down the road. His whole life he's been able to profit by "the law's delays." Having more money and more power let's you do that.

So he's kicked it past Election Day. If he wins he just keeps it up. Or goes with the Andrew Jackson option: "Justice Marshall has made his decision; let him enforce it." If he loses, we'll be too busy putting out fires to have any real stomach to pursue him personally.
Well, I knew he was right in the first paragraph; but according to Kayleigh McEnany, Trump is going full Andrew Jackson.  You never go full Andrew Jackson.

“The president was making general point about deference and on the principal of absolute immunity,” she explained. “He believes there should have been more deference [to him by the court].”

“On the ruling today, the Supreme Court is rejecting this assertion from the president that he is immune to investigation while in office,” CNN’s Kaitlan Collins noted. “Does he agree that he is not immune?”

“He still maintains his initial position,” McEnany replied. “He takes issue with the point that with the majority made on absolute immunity but, nevertheless, I would underscore the victory here.”

“If the president still believes he has absolute immunity, it makes it sound as though he thinks he’s above the law while he is president of the United States, at least,” another reporter pointed out.

“It’s almost as if folks don’t understand a legal term,” the press secretary complained. “Absolute immunity is a legal term of art.”

Does she know what she's saying?  Does she understand what "legal term of art" means?  Signs point to "No."  Then again, her boss is a cracked pot dribbling nonsense as he refuses to accept reality:
We're entering Kanye West territory with this guy. And I don't say that lightly.  Turns out Kanye is a manic-depressive, and he's gone off his meds again recently (which literally explains so much; sadly).  Trump has no such excuse, but he's gonna be a badly cracked egg very, very soon.

And still be the POTUS until noon on January 20, 2021.

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  The 25th Amendment is not coming to save us from what we have done to  ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. She's a product of Harvard Law, she's got a law degree from there.
