Monday, July 06, 2020

“It could be worse. You could be in Texas.”—Molly Ivins

Wonder if he’ll do it before, or after, the State GOP Convention. And then I made the mistake of checking Abbott’s Twitter feed:

I just think he’s got matters closer to home to worry about. While Texas still has 13,307 beds and over 1200 ICU beds statewide, nobody lives statewide. We live in cities, and those cities are running out of vacancies. Houston yesterday had used 103% of its ICU space. Sunday morning that crisis had abated. We were at 99% capacity.

Can’t say I really give a shit about any threats to “desecrate” Mt. Rushmore. It’s not a holy place, anyway. Except to certain Native American tribes. But they consider the monument the desecration; or at least a treaty violation.

I’m also not sure how we “end” viruses coming out of China. That horse is out of the barn, and that barn has burned down. Unless Gov. Abbott wants to make vegans of us all. Really, he needs to focus on the problems he’s responsible for.


  1. Stay safe. It's really about availability of a bed at your hospital.
    Texas Doctor: I got 10 calls yesterday for young people who will die if they don’t get ICU support, but I only have three beds left.

    We are already deciding who gets to live and who dies.

  2. Before I came here to read this I read about the bubonic plague story out of China. It buried what should have been the first paragraph in the story noting that there were annually about a half dozen cases in the US, most of them originating in the South West of the country. The potential for pandemic diseases rises wherever animal husbandry is undertaken, so anywhere in the world. The media selling this as a Chinese problem is contributing to the racist use of the issue.
