Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Problems Trump Will Solve In His Second Term

And then there's this, proof that it's September in an election year:

If the candidate loses that state, the pollsters say "We told you so!"  If the candidate wins that state, the pollsters come up with excuses for why their polls showed a "tightening" race that "loosened" by election day.  Lies, damned lies, and statistics.  When did we fall so in love with pursuing the future so that we have it today, not tomorrow?

(Raw Story ran a story about mail-in ballots possibly being counted long after Election Day, and the "nightmare" that would produce.  One:  there's a federal law, IIRC, that sets a date by which ballots must be counted, no matter what.  Two, the electoral college has to report its vote to Congress by January.  And if it's all still a muddle, Pelosi (as Speaker, assuming she still is) takes the Presidency until it is all straigthened out.  Are we so in love with the future we must know it NOW, and so afraid of the future it is always a "nightmare"?  I thought we were supposed to be rational.  Where did that go?)

But going back to polls (because why not?  They are the lingua franca of American politics.), there's this:

No wonder Trump is acting like the pandemic is in our rear-view mirror.  Meanwhile, in Houston, kindergarteners are returning to school, where one was sent home because of covid-19.  Well, that's okay, he's too young for college football, right?

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