Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Founding Fathers Never Intended...

For women to vote

For Blacks to be counted as more than 3/5ths of a person

For slavery to be outlawed in all states of the union

For 18 year olds to vote

For Blacks to vote

For non-white, non-male, non-land owners to vote 

For "equal protection" and "due process" to apply to the states, or for the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, hell, the entire "Bill of Rights," to apply to the states.

For the Presidential inauguration to happen in January.

For the Speaker of the House to be in the line of succession.

For the Vice-President to be in the line of succession.

For the direct election of Senators.

For there to be a military draft, or a standing military.

Etc., etc., etc.

1 comment:

  1. For the Supreme Court to be able to declare duly passed and adopted laws unconstitutional.

    For corporations to be held to be "persons".

    Given their reaction to the media when it attacked them, for the media to be allowed to lie about public figures with total impunity. The Federalists of the John Adams era were as much Founders as the Jeffersonians and they adopted the Alien and Sedition act.
