Friday, February 11, 2022

It's Like This, Cat

Morality, at its fundament, is the recognition that we live among other people and owe some obligation to them. Sartre recognized this in his attempt to create a morality without an overarching authority.  He grounded his model in simple human community:  what you choose for yourself you choose for everyone. In simplest terms:  do to others what you want them to do to you.  The inability to understand this simple premise is, just as simply, a lack of morality.

Which has nothing to do with economic status or social class standing.  It's just a matter of whether or not you're an asshole.

You know, the opposite of this:
Whether they win the prize or not, they deserve the accolades. Especially in a state known mostly for its "free-market" reputation, and Lite Gov. Patrick telling old people to die already so young people can go back to bars. We are, like most states, more complicated than our elected leaders represent us to be.

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