Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Apropos Of The General Quality Of The Conversation

Well, Ron is right, but: Stalingrad? Is Ukraine invading Russia? Oh, that makes it clearer. RFK, Jr. is an ignoramus.

Meanwhile, also on Fox:
It’s delusional public figures night on Fox: Not quite through with RFKj on that front , either: We have the tape. That’s exactly what you said. Do those accomplishments include calling Lauren Boebert a “bitch” on the House floor? Who’s going to explain to Charlie that USPS has nothing to do with state laws regarding vote by mail? They just, you know, deliver mail? (This is the quality of analysis (i.e., pure drivel) I usually get on NextDoor.) "Again...there is a pattern here that would suggest a bribe isn’t out of the question.”

I just had to type that out to see if it was as ridiculous as I thought it was. It also prompts me to post two responses:
Why we don’t settle for vacuous statements like that, but demand you put your proof. Apropos of the general quality of the statement.

1 comment:

  1. I have the feeling that RFK jr doesn't read a whole lot. I know the rest of those putzes don't.
