Monday, July 17, 2023

Even Cows Aren't This Stupid

As Newsweek reports, Taylor writes that Trump in 2019 was upset at reports that Texas ranchers were bringing their cattle through openings in the wall so that they could graze at the Rio Grande, on the grounds that this would let "thousands" of undocumented immigrants pour into the country.

Even though then-Department of Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen insisted to the president that this wasn't the case, he demanded that his staff come up with alternative ways for ranchers to be able to access the Rio Grande.

"Give the ranchers ladders," Trump floated at one point. "They can use ladders to get to the other side, but not doors. You could use small fire trucks. Call the local fire stations, and use the ladders on their trucks to help them get over."

To you city folk (like Trump) a "cattle guard" is a series of pipes set in the ground across an entry point in a fence so cows can't leave but you don't need a gate to obstruct vehicles. It's basically a ladder set in the ground.  They look like this:

It's ecvated below ground level so the cows (or horses) literally can't walk across it.  Their hooves slip on the pipes, if you must know.  I've never seen a cow stuck in one; even cows are generally not that stupid.

Here's a variant, since the topic is "ladders":

The idea there is an ATV of some size can cross the fence line, but cows (for obvious reasons), can't. 

Taylor recalls thinking that Trump's plan to send cows over the wall via ladders was "incandescently stupid" but he nonetheless managed to avoid laughing in the former president's face.

What's more, writes Taylor, the harebrained cow ladder scheme wasn't even the worst idea Trump had, as he even complained that military servicemembers sent to the border were not allowed to simply mow down immigrants on sight.

The lesson is, Trump pretty much wants to kill/destroy everything he doesn't understand.

"When it comes to Trump, the truth is always vastly more idiotic than the fiction," Taylor claims. "He spent more time coming up with imbecilic ideas at the border than he did focusing on his job. Sometimes the ideas were stupid. Sometimes they were illegal. Often they were both."

Yeah, no kidding.

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