Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Why do people always act like this has never happened in the history of our country, ever? As Molly Ivins loved to say: “It’s a representative government.” As Ecclesiastes said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Who was it said you’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public? Self-awareness is not a success trait. And probably an impediment to getting on TeeVee. Remember when they called it the “boob tube”? I think that’s too highbrow a label now. But, of course, “highbrow” is too highbrow. Clearly Lara Trump thinks the RNC has become a government above all governments in the U.S. of A. Or maybe she just thinks so because now she gets on TeeVee. The irony of this is that David Pecker (Trump: “I never knew him. I think he brought coffee, or something. There was no relationship.”) is in that building testifying about all the fake news stories Trump invented about his political opponents that Pecker put on the front page.
And Trump is still at it.

 Truth is stranger than fiction.

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