Sunday, August 11, 2024


Meanwhile, will Trump need to hire MORE lawyers?
According to Kirschner, the grand jurors "wanted to indict" Trump for violating Arizona state laws, but the prosecutors put a stop to that potential action. 
Kirschner further pointed to a line in the reporting about the development suggesting that prosecutors said they weren't there "yet" regarding the evidence needed to indict Trump. 
"I think that speaks volumes," he said in a video published Saturday. "It sounds like the prosecutors told the grand jurors, 'We hear you, that you think there's enough to indict Donald Trump, but there's a lot that goes into indicting a former president, and we're not sure we're quite there yet.'" 
However, according to Kirschner, "There has been a recent development" that "might change the prosecutor's calculation on that very question." 
That development, he said, is that one of Trump's former attorney's, Jenna Ellis, decided to cooperate in the case. 
"She flipped," he said. "And she promised, in writing, in an agreement with prosecutors, to testify fully, truthfully, and accurately against Donald Trump" and others. 
"Now, if the prosecutors told them to hold up a minute because maybe we wanted to strengthen our case a little bit against Donald Trump, well, they may now have the evidence they believe they needed, and there's no reason they can't go back before the grand jury and now return an indictment against Donald Trump," he added. "That's kind of what I'm looking for as I read the tea leaves."
Trump’s going to envy that $48 million.

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