Sunday, August 11, 2024

White Man's Burden

White people have to decide who the "real" black people are.

"And that is the important point he should have made is that the entire purpose of Affirmative Action, set-asides, civil rights laws, laws that limit constitutional rights to freedom of contract, freedom of association, all of that was to make up for the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow," Coulter opined. "So unless these benefits are going to roughly define foundational Black Americans, the descendants of American slaves, you've taken away the whole purpose of this."

According to the writer, white men had been the most discriminated against.

"That's the biggest hate group, but any white American and all of the civil rights laws have been, or an affirmative action and so on, have been twisted into just anti-white hatred and open, egregious discrimination," she asserted. "So to make the point that Kamala isn't a foundational Black American, I'm always pointing out to Black people, have you noticed Indians are getting all the good diversity jobs?"

"What did we do to Indians? We didn't enslave them," she added. "They owe us, we don't owe them, But to switch from the concept of integration and civil rights for Black Americans to this B.S. diversity, it's nothing but discrimination against white people."
It's the inverse of the "one-drop rule."

How you gonna keep 'em down if you have to lift your thumb?

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