Monday, August 12, 2024

I Have Questions

1) Are "Freedom Cities" enclaves for Rand Paul and Elmo and their followers?  Can we at least send all the vapers there, and prevent their annoying e-mails from getting beyond the boundaries of such cities?

2) I was promised flying cars in the '60's.  It was the great promise of my childhood.  What's the hold up? (Aside from the falling cars?)

3) "Rural industries"?  Basket-weaving?  The loom and the spinning wheel?  Unless we are going to recreate England's "green and pleasant land" from the early 19th century and then overrun it with dark Satanic mills, isn't industry almost by definition "urban"?  I mean, because you need to employees in the factory, and people tend to more heavily know, urban areas?

1 comment:

  1. Trump's rural industry is producing word salad because that's all he does. He is definitely the daffiest person to ever get a major party nomination, you've got to get down to the Lyndon Larouche level to get to Trump. Sadly, Cornel West is at that same level, these days.
