Monday, September 02, 2024

Tweet Gathering At The End of the Holiday

Seems fair. Would you repeat that for the rest of the GOP? "From Kamala HQ." This is the way. "Snakes! Snakes on the plane!" (of his Twitter existence) "To all you non-white people whose labor (and ancestor's labor) made us wealthy! Ain't capitalism (built on racism) great?!" The people who welcome you to hell. (What? The Greeks said it was a three-headed dog! And if that isn't the portal into the interior design of eternal torment, I honestly don't know what is!) Show me the calluses, you pillow-palmed punk. Yeah, I know, I just railed like a '60's Marxist πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♂️ about racism and capitalism in America, but I'll buy what she's selling. Here's where I remind you that Donald Trump fights against non-white, non-MAGA people, and against ideas like "immigration" and "justice," and only fights for what he stands for:  Donald Trump.

And that neither Trump nor Vance had any public appearances today.
"Too many thank-yous! Those should be mine!"--Donald Trump Does he want us to forget his ear was apparently unscathed and whole by the end of the GOP Convention? In much, much less than 51 days. Still trying to figure out how that happened. So far as I know, cartilage doesn't grow back. Unless, that is, he's a more rudimentary form of life.  Or a space alien.  Or just a homunculus. I'm pretty sure that explanation of who gets to vote in a "democracy" is the one the "Founding Fathers" used to limit the franchise to white male property (real property!) owners. Same result, anyway. This is NOT from New York Times Pitchbot. But it ought to be. He is still around, isn't he? One more reason to keep Trump out of office. And maybe to consider prosecution for bad legal theorizing that ends up with "enhanced interrogation" and "extraordinary rendition." And Dick Cheney in the Naval Observatory, with the lead pipe. 

As is our custom, in closing, some palate cleansers: Yes, with the electoral college a national poll is as useless as tits on a boar hog, but never discount 'the vibe' in an election. Even politicians who pitch programs voters want to vote for, are just vibing for votes.  Everyone loves a winner!  And that's NOT Donald Trump.

1 comment:

  1. "pillow palmed punk" You can bet on that entering my use vocabulary.
    I just looked, John Yoo was born in South Korea to Korean parents, he is eminently deportable. I want him out of here along with Elon, Rupert, Thiele, Gavin and the rest on my list of those who should be deported at the earliest opportunity. Denazification by deportation, that's immigration reform I can support.
