Saturday, October 12, 2024

Watching Texas-OU

 In Texas, everyone knows what that means.

And I saw the first Trump ad I’ve seen.

I’ll just say it was no Lincoln Project production. Nothing like this, for example:

Which is not my favorite of their work, but it’s still miles ahead of the Trump ad:
"It's hard to believe, but it's true," says the voice-over in a Trump for President ad that's airing nationwide. "Even the liberal media was shocked - Kamala supports taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners and illegal aliens."
Yeah, that’s as interesting as it gets. Unsurprisingly, it’s bullshit:
That would be Vice President Kamala Harris they're referencing. And yes, it's hard to believe because it's very misleading. 
The Trump ad uses a 2020 interview clip, in which Harris says she supports gender-affirming surgery for transgender prisoners who can demonstrate that their mental health depends on it. "Every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access," she said. 
But they edit out the rest of her statement: "Every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need." 
That's what the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution requires, multiple courts have ruled. And there are just a few known cases of prisoners and none of "illegal aliens" receiving gender-affirming surgery.
In short, the ad is about as interesting as the quote from it, and it advocates an unconstitutional solution to a non-problem.

Which pretty much sums up the Trump campaign platform. Culture war issues are all he’s got.

Lame. πŸ˜’ 

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