Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Stunning Display of Incompetence: A Timeline

March 13:

In the end, though, none of that mattered. Vice President Mike Pence’s assurances to Lee and his colleagues that Trump was open to the compromise went up in smoke when the president called in to a Senate lunch meeting Wednesday with a preemptive announcement: He planned to veto Lee’s bill.
March 14:

On Thursday morning, Donald Trump sent out a pointed missive ahead of the Senate’s vote to block his emergency declaration: “A vote for today’s resolution by Republican Senators is a vote for Nancy Pelosi, Crime, and the Open Border Democrats!“

Soon after, White House aides began blasting the tweet to GOP senators by text message to remind them of how the president viewed the impending vote, according to senators and aides who received the messages.

Trump was for the Lee legislation, and then he wasn't, and then he was; sort of.  And he was too busy tweeting to actually, you know, call Senators and get them to vote his way.  And yes, the vote by Congress plays into the hands of those bringing suits to stop this "emergency" (which Homeland Security has yet to take action on), because it gives the courts a reason to refuse this hot potato without refusing to rule on the issues raised by this declaration. And the lesson of all this?

You don't get enough votes in the Senate, either.

So much winning!

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