This is some authoritarian-style gaslighting— Brendan Nyhan (@BrendanNyhan) May 10, 2019
There's cheating a 10 year old. And there's cheating at golf.
Because it has no referees or umpires, golf is especially looked upon as a game played with honor. To cheat at golf is a very low form of cheating. Indeed (if you're old enough), you'll remember that Auric Goldfinger cheated in a golf game with Bond. Goldfinger owned that course, too. To cheat a child in the bargain? Not even Goldfinger would stoop that low.
And then, as the Silverberg story put it (I don't have time now): you fall through.
I’m more distressed thinking there is 35% of Americans saying “Damn right he did. Way to go, Mr. President!”— Daughter.of.Liberty (@debra_alden) May 10, 2019
And lower and lower we descend.
Coincidentally, I just started to research a piece comparing the percentage that shows up as supporting Trump and the percentage of the Confederate that kept slaves. They're about the same percentage of the population.